Come join us at the...

2022 Christian Heritage Family Discipleship and Homeschooling Conference

With the increasing rise of confusion and chaos in our culture there has never been a more important time to keep our vision on the truth. Our desire is that this year’s Christian Heritage Family Discipleship and Homeschooling Conference will do just that, renew your vision to look upon the hope and assurance of Christ. Through engaging and equipping speakers, interactive workshops, and fellowship with other like-minded families we know you and your family will be blessed as you ” press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” (Phil. 3:14)

Meet Our

Keynote Speakers...

Emeal (E.Z.) Zwayne

Living Waters Ministries

Dr. Jeff Myers

Summit Ministries

Meet Our...

Featured and Workshop Speakers...

Check Out Our New Venue!

Washington State Fair Event Center

2022 Conference Special Features!

Father & Son Breakfast

Encouragement for Ladies

Free Family Night

2022 Conference Special Opportunities!

Christian Heritage Chorale

Christian Heritage Choristers

...and more!

Thank You to Our 2022 Conference Sponsors

We are beyond grateful to the following ministries for their sponsorship in this gospel – centered mission to make disciples and and advance the kingdom!