WA Declaration of Intent Form.

The above form, approved by HSLDA, contains only the information you are required by law to give to school district authorities.

PLEASE NOTE: DOI Forms may, by law, be mailed or hand delivered to the public school superintendent’s office.

However, we strongly recommend that you MAIL IT for several reasons:

  • Mailing your DOI Form, using CERTIFIED MAIL, gives you a tangible record of it having been delivered. Keep the mail certificate on file with a copy of each year’s DOI.
  • Mailing the form avoids being “required” to use the DOI Form provided by the school district. Many districts are asking for much information NOT required by law. See the printable form above to understand all that you are required to turn in to the local school district.
  • Mailing the form also assures that it will go, as prescribed by law, to the District Superintendent’s office. Many school districts are requiring hand delivered DOI Forms to be taken to other offices such as the district Alternative Education or Parent Partnership Program centers. Independent homeschoolers are not part of these programs and should not turn forms in to them.

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