Scientific Illusions

My oldest son used to put on shows using science to create illusions for his friends. When his younger brother was just 4, he would pretend to make him disappear. Of course, the audience figured this trick out easily—when the 4-year-old waved to them from behind the tablecloth! It’s fun to watch an illusionist and…

Crazy About My Kids!

The Excuses Before Homeschooling I wish I had a dime for every time I’ve heard another mom say, “Oh, I could never homeschool my kids. That would never work for us.” I’ve heard a myriad of excuses:  “My child doesn’t listen to me”; “My kid and I just can’t get along”; “I don’t think I…

Webinar Recording: Homeschool Burnout – Its Causes & Cures, with Renee Ellison

Mom, are you bogged down?  Burned out?  Do you have a worn-out spirit?  Don’t care anymore?  Can’t face another day?  Does the daily grind now supersede your once high-held vision of educating your own children?  You’re not alone.  Many have faced burnout.  In fact, educators in general are one of the highest classes of people…