Hello From Christian Heritage

Wow! Has it been nearly four months since our last email?  This has really been an unusual year in so many ways. All of us at Christian Heritage are still disappointed that we were not able to see everyone at the Spring Conference, but we are encouraged by the ways the Lord continues to lead…

Recap of the 2019 Homeschooling Spring Conference

2019 CH Spring Conference from the perspective of your Registration Coordinators: What a fabulous conference! We were so delighted to see 2,708 people coming through our doors. There was an anticipation to attend a quality conference and that they received. The conference goers experienced 20 speakers presenting 66 solid biblically focused keynotes/workshops, performances during Friday…

Mystery of History Conversation with Linda Lacour Hobar

Linda Lacour Hobar Linda, author of The Mystery of History, is a follower of Christ, a genuine people-person, and a fan of comfortable high-heels. Through homeschooling and missionary service, she discovered a deep love for world history and a clear call to write. In its sixteenth year of worldwide circulation, The Mystery of History has…

Continuing the Conversation with Sonya Shafer

Sonya Shafer A homeschool speaker and writer specializing in the Charlotte Mason Method, Sonya has been studying, practicing, and teaching Charlotte’s gentle methods of education for twenty years. Her passion for homeschooling four daughters grew into helping others. To minister to younger mothers and those dealing with special needs, Sonya wrote This Anguishing Blessed Journey:…

Continuing the Conversation with Connie Albers

Connie Albers Offering great insight and encouragement to our homeschooling families at the Annual Spring Conference this year, Connie has created a video to give you a few more tips, tools and inspiring helps as you begin to implement some of her strategies for home educating your children! With more than twenty-five years in homeschooling as a wife, mother…

“Therefore, my beloved brothers…

  Have you felt the growing tension this year? Truth is no longer accepted as truth. History is being revised. Foundational freedoms and protections now stand in question… Even attending church safely can no longer be taken for granted! The war between good and evil is being waged everywhere, yet for those of us who know…

Thank you for loving others well!

Laboring together makes the difference! Nurturing, training and developing a culture of love and service in your family – pointing each relationship, each individual heart to Jesus – is no easy task. That’s why gathering together is so important!  And why we at Christian Heritage work hard to provide meaningful events and resources… [bullet_list icon=”check”]…

CLICK HERE to watch the Noah Conference video

Your browser does not support the video tag. 2017 Noah Conference – October 20-21 Ocean Shores, WA The Noah Conference will help you get back to the basics of what it means to disciple your children in the Gospel of Jesus Christ…the only life-boat that will stand the storm! [hr] Family Tickets – $149 Individual Tickets – $55 HURRY!  Pre-Registration…