Conference Schedule Overview

 April 23-25, 2020

6:00-9:00 Vendor Hall

Vendor Hall & Silent Auction Opens  

8:00-9:00 Registration

Visit the Registration Table to Sign In & Check Out the Silent Auction

9:00-10:30 General Session #1

Dr. Carlton McLeod: Keynote – Reclaiming Our Children Through the Power of Jesus Christ: The Problem, the Solution, and the Tools

10:30-11:15 Break

Visit the Vendor Hall, Concessions are Open and Check out the Silent Auction  

11:15-12:15 Workshop A

Rick Green: Lessons from Legends of Liberty

Bill Jack: Counterfeit Reality

Renee Ellison: Conquer Academics Faster

Isaac Tolpin: A Family Who Dreams Together & Fulfills the Dream Together, Stays Together

Steve Riddell: How to Think Like an Entrepreneur

Joel Thomas: Bug Pinning Lab (Sign-Up Required)

Susan Bradrick: The Practical Importance of Teaching History: Our Anchor to the Past & Guide for the Future

Nathan Cedarland: Becoming a Disciple-Making Family

Angie Tolpin: Redeeming Childbirth: Homeschooling While Pregnant and Postpartum!

Douglas Bond: The Most Prolific Writer of the 19th Century And 7 Things This Author Taught Me About Writing (Writing Seminar – Sign-Up Required)

Danille Turissini: “Government of the People, for the People, by the People”: Preparing Yourself & Your Family for Christian Advocacy in Government and Why Elections Matter

Pamela Gates: Identifying and Correcting Blocked Learning Gates

Neil Craig: Christian Heritage Chorale, Session #1

12:15-1:45 Lunch and Shopping

Concessions are available. Silent Auction is OPEN!

12:45-1:30 Lunchtime Roundtable Discussions and Vendor Workshops

Roundtable Discussions: TBD

Vendor Workshops: TBD

1:45-2:45 Workshop B

Bill Jack: Take What Is Common in Culture and Turn It Into a Pulpit

Isaac & Angie Tolpin: How Will a Generation of Technology Distracted Parents Impact Future Generations?

Renee Ellison: The Two Most Common Homeschooling Academic Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them

Bryan Elliott: ProActive Measures to Keep Your Family Safe

Steve Riddell: Charting Your Course for Success in Your Work!

Joel Thomas: Battery Cells Lab (Sign-Up Required)

Panel Discussion: The Importance of Christian Advocacy in Government

David Eddy: The Sexual Revolution

Douglas Bond: How to Write the Classic Essay (And Why It Is So Important to Master This Skill for Everyone) (Writing Seminar – Sign-Up Required)

Melanie Ellison: Rethinking College

Pamela Gates: Teaching the Right Brain Child

Neil Craig: Christian Heritage Chorale, Session #2

2:45-3:30 Break

Visit the Vendor Hall and Check Out the Silent Auction! Concessions are OPEN!

3:30-4:30 General Session #2

Dr. Carlton McLeod: Keynote – How to Help Children Develop a Robust Biblical Worldview in an Increasingly Relativistic Culture

4:30 Dinner and Shopping

Concessions are available.

6:30-8:30 General Session #3 | Family Night – FREE – Invite Your Friends!

Mini Concert Performed by Homeschooled Students

Rick Green: Keynote – Restoring American Exceptionalism One Family at a Time


Information Subject to Change

6:45-8:00 Fathers and Sons must register for this breakfast prior to the conference.

Rick Green and Sons: Infusing the Traits of a Conqueror

8:00-9:00 Registration

Visit the Registration Table to sign in.

9:00-10:15 General Session #4  

Rick Green: Keynote – Living Life with a Multi-Generational Purpose and a Plan

10:15-10:45 Break

Visit the Vendor Hall and check out the Silent Auction!

10:45-11:45 Workshop C  

Steve Riddell: Lemming or Leader… You Decide!

Bill Jack: Simple Tools for Brain Surgery

Dr. Carlton McLeod: Encouraging Stressed-Out Women in Their Honorable Helper Role in the Discipleship of Their Children

Patrick Nurre: Yellowstone Through the Lens of Scripture

Nathan Cedarland: Enjoying God Together in the Everyday Stuff of Life

Joel Thomas: Electromagnets Lab (Make and Take Lab) (Sign-Up Required)

Isaac & Angie Tolpin: How a Competitive Spirit Can Destroy Sibling Relationships

Dan Kreft: A Game Plan for Dialoguing with Mormon Missionaries

Renee Ellison: Homeschooling Through High School: Going the Distance

Douglas Bond: All Good Writing Is Creative Writing (Writing Seminar – Sign-Up Required)

Marty VanDriel: Journalism… A Career for Christians?

Pamela Gates: Smart Kids Who Hate to Write

Neil Craig: Christian Heritage Chorale, Session #3

11:45-1:00pm Lunch and Shopping

Concessions are available. Silent Auction is OPEN!

12:00-12:45 Lunchtime

Vendor Workshops or Roundtable Discussions!

Roundtable Discussions: TBD

Vendor Workshops: TBD

1:00-2:00 Workshop D 

Nathan Cedarland: Raising Spiritual Warriors

Dr. Carlton McLeod: Young Man: Are Your Pleasures Leading Your Purpose, or Your Purpose Leading Your Pleasures?

Patrick Nurre: How to Raise Respectful Children and Teenagers

Rick Green: Teaching Civics in a Fun & Way Purposeful Way (Yes, You Can Do Both!)

Joel Thomas: Electric Motors: Make and Take Lab (Sign-Up Required)

Renee Ellison: Homeschooling Burnout: Its Causes and Cures

Jason Edwards: Technology Landmines: Understanding and Minimizing the Risks in Our Connected Culture

Isaac Tolpin: How to Build a Biblical Family Culture

Douglas Bond: Poetry and the Throwing Ax: Anglo-Saxon Poetry and What It Teaches Us About Writing Today (Writing Seminar – Sign-Up Required)

Susan Bradrick: Hopscotching Through Homeschooling: Suggestions for What to Teach & When, Start to Finish

Pamela Gates: Training the Photographic Memory

2:00-2:30 Break

Visit the Vendor Hall and Pick Up Silent Auction Items

2:30-3:30 Workshop E  

Rick Green: Defend Your Family

Bill Jack: Creation-Evolution – What’s the Big Deal? I Just Want to Tell People About Jesus

Renee Ellison: The Power of a Focused Mother

Roger & Jennifer Sefzik: Debate Is More Than Just Arguing

Steve Riddell: The One Skill That Everyone Needs No Matter What Job You Have or Desire

Joel Thomas: Frog Dissection Lab (Sign-Up Required)

Isaac & Angie Tolpin: A Child Centric Home

Dan Kreft: The Math of the Great Flood

Douglas Bond: The Most Enduring Genre of Writing: The Hymn (Writing Seminar – Sign-Up Required)

Susan Bradrick: 24 Hour Is All We Get: Using Our Time for God’s Glory

Pamela Gates: The Biology of Behavior

Neil Craig: Christian Heritage Chorale, Session #4

3:30-4:30 Break  

Final Opportunity to Visit the Vendor Hall and Order Your Conference Recordings, and FINAL Pick Up of Silent Auction Items

4:30-6:00 General Session #5

The Christian Heritage Chorale & Orchestra Performance

Dr. Carlton McLeod: Keynote – Calling Men Up to Their Primary Role in the Discipleship of Their Children

Information Subject to Change