Family Worship

Worshipping God through music as a church, a family, and an individual is not only a beautiful means of tuning our hearts to God and glorifying Him–it is also a command! “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs,…

A Family Spring

The sun is beginning to shine, daffodils are braving the elements, and children and parents both are beginning to long for the sweet, beautiful days that spring brings.  And while I can’t banish the rain or the chill, I can share some simple, constructive, delightful activities that your family will enjoy doing together over the…

Webinar Recording: Raising Your Family in Light of the Gospel of the Kingdom of God

We live by the power of God’s Holy Spirit to obediently walk by faith in the goodness and wisdom of God as revealed in the Scriptures. In this framework, issues like covenant marriage vows, home ownership, gun ownership, home birth, homeschooling, family business, family farming, hospitality, home-based healthcare and yes, even the debate over raw…

Shining as Lights

Where does our decision to homeschool fit into God’s larger purposes in our lives? Are we to homeschool as a matter of preference, or of conviction? Should we homeschool at any cost, or are there times and places where other educational options should be considered? The Wisdom of Homeschooling I believe in homeschooling. My late…