
Question A mom asked, “Am I expecting too much of a six (almost 7) year old to work on an academic assignment without dawdling? Soooo frustrating. Any input?”   Response Internal Discipline Comes from External Discipline Yes, strangely it is too much to ask. You see, that is what immaturity is. A child learns INTERNAL discipline only…

Webinar Recording: Raising Your Children to Be Leaders

Free Webinar Recording: Raising Your Children to Be Leaders. In this exciting first edition of the 2013 Christian Heritage Webinar Series, Dr. Martin demonstrated, through the lives of biblical men and women, how young men and women can live with a view toward eternity – teaching them the significance of one person’s life before the Lord. Covering the themes of…

4 Secrets for Aspiring Entrepreneurs, Part I

I wasn’t your ideal homeschool kid. Believe me. In fact, you’ve probably heard the breathtaking stories of amazingly disciplined 10-year-old “wonder children” who wake up every morning eagerly waiting to propose their top 5 goals for the day, listed with A, B, C, D and E priorities. Unfortunately for my mother, that wasn’t me. Nevertheless,…