Our Speakers and Sessions

Cary Green

Cary Green grew up in a loose Catholic home near Lake Tapps, Washington. While attending Western Washington University in the early 90’s, he got saved, by the grace of God! Even as a new believer he knew God was calling him to the ministry, so after college he attended The Master’s Seminary in Sun Valley, California. While there he met his wife, Lois, and a year after graduating, he and his family left for nearly ten years of ministry in East Berlin (1999-2009). During those years they helped to plant a church (Bible Church Berlin) and establish a Bible school (European Bible Training Center), both of which are still going strong today. The LORD moved the Green family back to the USA in 2009, where Cary again became involved in planting a church – originally called Everett Bible Church, now Cornerstone Bible Church in Lake Stevens, WA. It is his joy and privilege to shepherd this congregation. Cary and Lois have been blessed with fifteen children.


  • Session #1 (Friday Morning)Bible Intake: This sermon calls us to listen to, read, study, memorize, meditate on, and apply God’s Word. (Selected Scriptures)
  • Session #2 (Friday Evening)Worship: In a day when the term “worship” means many different things to different people, we want to see what Christ Himself says about worship. (John 4:25)
  • Session #3 (Saturday Morning)Evangelism: We know this is a command that all of us should be obeying, but it’s important to know HOW to present the Gospel to people in our rapidly-changing America. (Acts 17)
  • Session #4 (Saturday Evening) | Service: Our culture doesn’t tend to think much of “servants,” but our Lord forever elevated the role of a servant when He chose to come and serve mankind. (Mark 10:45; Selected Scriptures)
  • Sunday Sermon | God’s Answer to Worry and Fear: As the world seems to be changing and crashing down all around us, we must turn to God for HIS answer to the worry or fear which might try to overwhelm us. (Proverbs 3:5-6)

Dean Kershner

Dean Kershner is looking forward to eternity. He is a father and home educator of six children in the state of Georgia.

Dean has worked since 1992 in different capacities of foreign missions and is currently a field director with the ministry of Gospelink, wherein he oversees work within five countries.

The Lord Jesus told stories to bring home spiritual truths, and Dean loves truth and a good story to illustrate it!


  • Thursday Night | Vanya Moiseyev: Persecuted for his faith in 1972, Vanya was a Christian in the USSR army. He was martyred very young, but his story reminds us that God is faithful to use the lives of his servants to make His power and truth and grace known!
  • Friday Morning | Hudson Taylor: Known as the founder of China Inland Mission, Taylor’s life was touched by the Lord through commitment and conviction though the results would remain unknown. This presentation calls people to personal dedication to the Lord first and to reach the nations secondly.
  • Friday Evening | Adoniram Judson: The first foreign missionary from the United States had a godly upbringing but was led astray through humanistic, rational thinking. God quickly impressed upon Adoniram His reality and led this man to take up an unforgettable cross that led to disease, death, and imprisonment, and the salvation of thousands in what is Miramar today.  The take away from his story is that the followers of the Lord must take up a cross which includes expectations. The Lord knows how and when to do His work in our lives, and He sees better than we do.
  • Saturday Morning | Billy Sunday: A lover of baseball, Sunday’s life was changed when he began to see the eternal things as valuable! Known to be a great evangelist, Billy’s story calls us to be evangelists despite the hedonistic atmosphere around us and points out that God uses all of our positions and gifts to make His Word known.