We’re excited that you’re considering or beginning homeschooling! We are here to support and help you as you embark on this journey. Here are some resources that we pray will be helpful to you.

We’ll be updating this page with additional resources, so please check back often!

Washington Homeschool Law

Read our brief summary of Washington State law regarding homeschooling.

Parent Qualifying Course and Start-to-Finish Seminar

This online, self-paced course enables a parent to fulfill Washington State law regarding parent qualifications and also equips parents looking with answers and guidance for successfully home educating their children!

HSLDA's Quick Start Guide

This is a fantastic list from one of our partners to jumpstart your homeschooling journey.


Have a question about homeschooling, events, or something else CH-related? We have an answer – and it may be on our list of frequently asked questions! Head over to the list by clicking the button below.

Contact Us

If your question wasn’t on the FAQ list or you just want to chat with one of our team members, we’d be thrilled to talk with you, whether via email, phone, or Facebook Messenger. In the midst of high message volume, we’ll do our best to respond in a timely manner!