Can’t make it this year to the Christian Heritage Annual Spring Conference in Redmond, WA?

You can still enjoy the conference…LIVE!


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Livestream will include

  • All 5 Inspiring Keynote Sessions!
  • And 5 Powerful Workshop Sessions!
  • Men’s Chorus
  • Full Friday Family Night Program
  • Inspiring Homeschool Concert!
  • Blindfold Chess Demo
  • Powerful Family Night Message
  • Saturday Special Music Performances
  • Chorale & Orchestra
  • Choristers

List of the Speakers, Bios and Workshop Descriptions that will be Livestreamed

Dr. Voddie Baucham, Jr.

Voddie is a husband, father, pastor, author, professor, and church planter. He currently serves as Dean of Theology at African Christian University in Lusaka, Zambia. By emphasizing cultural apologetics, he helps people understand the significance of thinking and living biblically in every area of life. Voddie and his wife, Bridget, have nine children and are committed home educators.

Ken Sande

Ken, an engineer, lawyer, and mediator, founded Peacemaker Ministries where he conciliated family, business, church, and legal conflicts and guided development of a global training program. He is President and founder of RW360, which teaches people to get upstream of conflict by building strong relationships in the family, church, and workplace. Ken is the author of books, articles, and training resources, including The Peacemaker, which has sold over 500,000 copies in seventeen languages.

Kevin Swanson

Kevin is Pastor of Reformation Church of Elizabeth in Colorado and has an interest in education and teaching in schools-homeschool, public, Christian, and college. He hosts a daily radio program, Generations, and teaches on biblical worldview, Christian education, family discipleship, and cultural discernment of modern music and movies. With his wife, Brenda, he raised their five children, homeschooling them the whole way.

David McAlvany

Kevin is Pastor of Reformation Church of Elizabeth in Colorado and has an interest in education and teaching in schools-homeschool, public, Christian, and college. He hosts a daily radio program, Generations, and teaches on biblical worldview, Christian education, family discipleship, and cultural discernment of modern music and movies. With his wife, Brenda, he raised their five children, homeschooling them the whole way.

Schedule Overview

9:00 a.m.-10:30 a.m. PST

Dr. Voddie Baucham, Jr.

The Puritan Philosophy of Education (Recording #19-01)

“What curriculum do you use?” is an important question. But more important is “What is your philosophy of education?” Your curriculum reflects your philosophy of education, and since many homeschool families don’t have one, their curriculum choices tend to be based on convenience, pragmatism, or availability. Explore the Puritan Philosophy of Education from which rose great educational movements and institutions. Find basic tools to develop a philosophy of education for your family and give you direction, goals, and purpose.

11:15 a.m.-12:15 p.m. PST

David McAlvany

Building a Strong Family Legacy-The Art of Intentionality (Recording #19-101)

David helps you establish your most desired legacy objectives. What do you dream for your family? What does your family look like ten generations from now? Every significant endeavor begins with the planning stage. We know life does not always work out as planned, but creating an amazing legacy is not the result of random chance. There is design, and prayer, and recalibration all along the way.

1:45-2:45 p.m. PST

David McAlvany

Disposing of Baggage: The Proper Disposal of Generational Junk (Recording #19-201)

What are your generational blessings? What baggage do you carry from one generation to the next? We have baggage from earlier generations; we leave baggage for future generations. It’s not our intention, but as frail and imperfect human beings, we can (BUT DON’T HAVE TO) perpetuate cycles of sin and pain. Our goal is to find gratitude, learn about practicing grace, and live together unburdened and free.

3:30-4:30 p.m. PST

Ken Sande

Relational Wisdom: Preparing Children for Life (Recording #19-02a)

Relational wisdom is the ability to discern emotions and interests in yourself and others, interpret them in the light of God’s Word, and use them to manage responses and relationships successfully. In this life-changing message, Ken describes the biblical and neurological basis for relational wisdom and shows how these skills lead to less stressful and more productive homeschool experiences while also preparing children for durable marriages, better job performance, and a more credible witness for Christ.

6:30-8:30 p.m. PST

Dr. Voddie Baucham, Jr.

Doing Apologetics in an Anti-Apologetic Age (Recording #19-03)

Can you defend your faith? Do you even want to? Or do you think doing so would be unkind, arrogant, or even unchristian? Voddie exposes the contemporary ideologies that stand opposed to the idea of apologetics and introduces the basics of defending the faith. He also speaks to contemporary cultural apologetic issues.

9:00-10:15 a.m. PST

Dr. Voddie Baucham, Jr.

The Theology of Work (Recording #19-04)

Have you heard of the Protestant Work Ethic? Did you know it is more than just a predisposition to hard work? There was actually a significant theology of work that undergirded Protestant culture and led to prosperity and freedom we take for granted. Voddie explores that theology and gives you tools to help you incorporate it into the education of your children.

10:45-11:45 a.m. PST

Kevin Swanson

Pop Culture, Entertainment, and the Family (Recording #19-301)

How does a family interact with popular culture? Popular culture is everywhere. It influences peer groups and sets worldview and cultural perspectives of almost everybody. Very few have wisdom and strength to swim against the stream. So, how does a family make its cultural choices? What part should entertainment play in the home? What are major biblical principles for discernment of music, movies, tattoos, dress, etc.?

1:00-2:00 p.m.

David McAlvany

Building a Financial Legacy: A Jump Start before Marriage (Recording #19-401)

Financial foundations, begun with individual habits and practices early in life, emerge later in the life of the family. Savings, investment, and proper planning for your life begun at a very young age can serve as a blessing to a young married couple. What do you need to know about debt, operating a business, buying a house, managing possessions as a steward of God’s resources and other important topics?

2:30-3:30 p.m. PST

Ken Sande

Raising Empathetic Children (Recording #19-501)

Second mile leaders are counter-intuitive servants of God who develop a consistent love of virtue, a disciplined approach to gratification, and a submissive love for the authority of God’s Word. Male leadership is essential to the success of marriages, families, the church, and society. Earn the right to be heard and more—powerful!

4:30-5:55 p.m. PST

Dr. Voddie Baucham, Jr.

Modern Spirituality and Your Mind: Truth Endures (Recording #19-05)

Modern Christianity is awash with pragmatism and mysticism. Unfortunately, these ideologies are so common that many Christians are not even aware of the influence in their own lives and families. Voddie examines these ideologies and shows you how to counter them with biblical thinking and decision making.