Compassion on the Cheap

We bring you this article today by R.C. Sproul, Jr., one of the featured speakers at the Family Economics and Mentorship Conference. There’s still limited space available for you and your family to hear from R.C. on topics such as “The Least of These: The Heart of the Family Economy,” “Giving Thanks When the Sky…

The Sound of Music in Every Home

Martin Luther said, “Next to the Word of God, the noble art of music is the greatest treasure in the world.” Music is a great gift from God. It is certainly a beautiful treasure that brightens the lives of anyone within hearing distance. It’s a means of worshipping God in a very personal way, and…

Boys: No One Owes You a Job!

Who owes me a job? The quick answer is: No one! I think this is a common fallacy that is trained into us from infancy. See, from your earliest memories, people have been providing for you. You just arrived at the dinner table and there was the food. You had a birthday and people gave you presents…